Welcome to
Kumon Sligo
- KUMON CONNECT available
- In-Centre Class available
- Online Class available
- Discounts available
Mercy Secondary School
Chapel Hill
F91 CF80
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4.9 / 5 (9 Reviews)
Study programmes
Our aim is not to teach techniques for passing exams, but to foster life skills that children can apply throughout their lives.
After registation, you pay a monthly fee for each subject studied.
€ 40 One-off Fee
€ 90 Per Month Per Subject
What is the Registration Fee?
To get your child started with Kumon study you will pay a one-off registration fee to register them as a student
Children attend regular classes either at the study centre or online
Daily worksheets designed for at home and in-centre learning
€ 40 One-off Fee
What is the Registration Fee?
To get your child started with Kumon study you will pay a one-off registration fee to register them as a student
€ 90 Per Month Per Subject
Children attend regular classes either at the study centre or online
Daily worksheets designed for at home and in-centre learning
Class times
Students attend class within designated hours between opening hours.
About our centre
Studia Kumon mają na celu zapewnienie, że każde dziecko rozwinie miłość do nauki. Dostępne są programy matematyczne i angielskie, które są pomocne w każdym przypadku io różnych umiejętnościach, które są możliwe i kluczowe podstawy do nauki. Tradycyjne nauczanie języka angielskiego pomaga w kontynuowaniu, ale Kumon idzie o krok dalej, poza tym istnieje możliwość samodzielnej nauki, która obejmuje zadania bez zastosowania na nauczyciela.
spełniają wymagania praktyczne, rozwijając umiejętności i płynność wystąpienia, wykonując postępy w krokami i budując siebie. Odwiedzają również lokalne centrum nauki do dwóch razy w tygodniu, aby uzyskać dostęp od swojego instruktora. Instruktor Kumon Twojego dziecka ustawi o stażu na poziomie wyższym, aby rzucić wyzwanie i wykonanie, obowiązek od szkoły lub roku szkolnego. do, że mogą mieć swoje kluczowe możliwości przejścia poza klasą szkolną bez ograniczeń. Kumon dostępny i wygodny sposób, który umożliwia rozszerzenie umiejętności z języka angielskiego dla pomyślnej przyszłości.
Czy wiesz, że teraz możesz skorzystać z Kumon, zastosowania z dodatkowymi ćwiczeniami? Do centrum nauki z dumą oferującą KUMON CONNECT. Kliknij tutaj, aby uzyskać więcej narzędzi.
W tym zakresie zajęć online dostępne są we wtorki i czwartki w godzinach 16:00-18:00.
Centre Facilities
- KUMON CONNECT available
- Public transport - Train
- In-Centre Class available
- Family waiting area
- Online Class available
- Early Learners Section
- Discounts available
- Parking - Free
Frequently Asked Questions
Both, and every child in between. This is because of our individualised approach to education, which always asks the question: "What is best for this individual child?" Following a diagnostic test, a study plan is set to develop the ability of the child and to progress them beyond the Kumon International Standard (an international approximation of their school level) regardless of their starting point. Kumon welcomes students with special educational needs, gifted and talented children, and all those who believe they can achieve more and fulfil their potential.
Kumon offers much more than tutoring and differs from traditional teaching in the classroom. Rather than preparing children for a particular test or assessment, Kumon empowers students to learn for themselves, through individualised instruction and carefully developed worksheets.
As well as developing key skills in maths and English, each Kumon student will work towards building their independent learning skills and confidence in their own abilities. This means that a Kumon student will not be dependent on – or limited by – the skills and knowledge of others.
As a global programme, Kumon does not follow a school curriculum, but rather is complementary to curricula across the world. The primary aim of the Kumon Method is to develop independent learning skills. These independent learning skills enhance the students’ performance right across the school curriculum. Kumon operates at exactly the right level for each student – regardless of their age – ensuring that work set extends and develops their skills, confidence and ability.
Kumon is a self-learning programme with each student receiving regular support from their Instructor. The carefully developed worksheets teach students how to find the answer for themselves, whilst their Instructor offers guidance when necessary. The key role of each Kumon Instructor is to observe their students working, either in the centre or their online class, making sure that work is set at the right level and that they are developing at the right pace.
Please click here to download a brochure with more details about your child studying with Kumon.